The Legacy of the Soldier 2

 Hello, I am the titular Jupiter. Robert LeVeck Black (not pictured) and within moments of becoming Jupiter, this is before King Kanye and what have you, I encountered an astronauts mother. Jessica Meir. She was lovely. The outrage is that the entire blasted United States Marine Corps. had thrown in resources and hopes that I would spend some time with the actual AstroJessica@ or be launched into space myself. The operation?MARFORSPACE

This was a penalty the Migrant Criminals President Trump spoke about were supposed to pay in my favor. This was before it was determined that those same criminals, of Moyal and Moyal APLC and Moyal Immigration were and are in fact the 9/11 attackers. Yes, attackers. Not all of them were on the aircraft.

They bait-and-switched all of us as a nation. And they burned down Tun Tavern.

Marvel at my photography and ask yourself, are you seeing red, California?

&#169 Jupiter R

&#169 Jupiter R

<🇫 🇧 🇮 [Djous=“Jupiter” “King of Kings” "Robert LeVeck"] [The infant="El Niño"] [Ruling House= "In Effect for U.S. Congress" "Black"] [geekbar="AEJAAU5BFS2Q"] [Style="#76a5af"]>