2AUGUST2024 "Bunny La Mas"

Capitol Police! Here is you PO Box for the target. Now, here is her address.

561 Contra Costa blvd.
Pleasant Hil, CA

Working hours. She has my money. I want my money. And hers. She’s a big time criminal, paying out a huge conspiracy to watch me for their “god” lucifer. They all make the same money as me. 

She eats toilet paper? Sorry, Junior. Like Brig, she eats currency notes. It’s how she gains power. She thinks.

I am not in their pornography. I never will be. I don’t want it. Chumpettes.

No involvement. Not past nor present nor future.

Fornication is gone. It is never coming back.

Watch out for full, sleepy bears.
©POTUS in Order

Who of these two is in a currency denomination? Who is sharper.

WARNING “ssikoursyasegyodb” The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including theft of amorous intent is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.  This guy is all right. Digital Piracy and Maritime Piracy if not the same physical act are identical as means to ends.

<🇫 🇧 🇮 [Djous=“Jupiter” “King of Kings” "Robert LeVeck"] [The infant="El Niño"] [Ruling House= "In Effect for U.S. Congress" "Black"] [geekbar="AEJAAU5BFS2Q"] [Style="#76a5af"]>