Ken Moyal and crew are pussies.
I hear the star of David is looking satanic.
Stupid dumbshitbworthless devil lovers: STAHP enjoying my content from here, the front end. I am the writer. Write your own shit wench! And read this from the reader point of view.
Those who are reading this on the site, not where it says <——-B in the upper left corner grazi.
Go hunt. Them.
There must be another congregation that will have me at their pulpit. These new Simon members claim to buy me things and people in the city but they don’t l. They are like Batman in homemade fireworks: they have bad touched more kids than a satanic Cardinal. Plus, Codi’s crazy ass lit every single firework.on the board
As for them, they took the child worship out of self-praise shared solos.
Please, contact me. I am 0 chomo. 0 homo. I dance the cha cha I know how to raise correct, sexy fornication and non fornication children.
God’s chooses existence.
Let’s not fouhl that off.
-Robert “Uncle Robert” LeVeck
“I lied as a youth. I went down one (emphasis added) flight of stairs shattering both arms at six years. For my adolescent years I …I said I went down two (emphasis) flights of stairs. I wanted to be hardcore!”
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