11AUGUST24 “Ms. Cocking” Part 2 (NSFW)

Ms. Cocking, madam!”

The last Navy SEAL grabbed the street fixture, crossed himself and began the three hour motionless period before his roleplay would “charge” him out.

“Yes,” replied my would be shortcake.

Oh, my. She was so captivating, so petite. I weighed 218 pounds, at last physical. Leading to an angry doctor convinced my latest hand injuries were due to my heavyweight career in the outer leagues.


The Naval Commando, hand affixed to a traffic pole, angled down at the wrist, meeting the tree trunk sized pole, vulnerable. Right below the walk button. His groin, while off limits, was pressing against his button fly. It was respectable to the point of was-he-stuffing. He was not noted by neither by you the reader nor me the author, but by the fanatic belligerents reading who think they can prove I have no career in the secret underground Marine Corps. Golden Gloves. Hung, was as a picture was Sallie and she was an athletic woman. 

“I was wondering if you cared to consent,” I asked miss Cocking, “or, perhaps go off to commit with Jesus at a one to one ratio.”

She regarded me, eyes bashful. My blocking remoned the Frogman from her virw. She then said with a tilted smile, silently:


It must be you, shipmate. I thought of the SEAL. Not listening, and turning on my heels, I began professionally splashing high-strength, off-brand Drano onto his Environmental Disruptive Pattern dungarees.

“I have amorous intent,” I said, replacing the cap, snapping his belt carribener around the handle. 

“Well,” in my prose, she took me by the elbow and we walked off “alright.”

My wingman said nothing, behind chemical splashed sunglasses, the sun having set 35 minutes before. He was motionless and expressionsssless, a slightly affable curmudgeon.

“I do hope I was at par or better,” on lovemaking, and of course, in the afterglow, “I have a question.”

She was snuggled deep into my torso, as the little spoon. She nodded, eyes closed.

“If I do wake in the night, and you are sleeping I promise to do my very best not to wake you.”

Revealing myself.

“However, may I apply this once again erect phallus to make love to you fully, at the hilt and gently as we just have?”

Again, she regarded me silently for a long time.

“I promise to never wake you purposefully.”

Finally, muffled by the comforter: “Okay.”

I sweated profusely, like an erotically employed corn maze for 130 minutes until I heard the Navy SEAL board the 38 to Land’s End. My gaze never leaving her.

Nuzzling occasionally.

Sallie is prettier. As in pleasing

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