22AUGUST2024 In the year of Our Lord: /a/2+/b/2=”R. Black ~ S. Cocking”

Robert LeVeck

 Will you marry me?

Call me “Barry Goldwater.”
Wait, watch! I will cut off the belligerents.
Call me! “Barry Goldwater.”
“Your Honor, clearly he is unwell. Look at this equation.”

John: “Looks hydrated to me.”
“President Goldwater.”
“Let me be bury to you.”

<🇫 🇧 🇮 [Djous=“Jupiter” “King of Kings” "Robert LeVeck"] [The infant="El Niño"] [Ruling House= "In Effect for U.S. Congress" "Black"] [geekbar="AEJAAU5BFS2Q"] [Style="#76a5af"]>