22AUGUST2024 1930 hrs in the year of Our Lord: “Brain Injuries”

 I once tested at 140 intelligent quotient. Now I have suffered neurologically mightily at the belligerent’s hands. I am Special “Edge”, I do not want to be multiply severely diseased handicapped!

Be that as it may, God has a plan. Although cells will never reproduce, my brain will find more efficient synapse path. The things which I do routinely I will enjoy more thoroughly.

Getting the paper. Reading a book. Curling up with a good novel …


<🇫 🇧 🇮 [Djous=“Jupiter” “King of Kings” "Robert LeVeck"] [The infant="El Niño"] [Ruling House= "In Effect for U.S. Congress" "Black"] [geekbar="AEJAAU5BFS2Q"] [Style="#76a5af"]>