The Disappearing of the Warrior

 Hello, my fellow Americans.

You may have heard of the toppling of the former house. Thanks to this Congress, Cofer, Robert, and Sophia, all realms, terrestrial and digital are now Sovereign United States held ground.

The late Charles deceased.

William and Harry volunteering to be forever beneath San Francisco, deep underground. The Subterranean Echolocation and Landing (SEAL) team.

The Atlas Earth (app) developer seeking to defect.

But what you have not seen,right outside Hilary’s door, is the desecration of the hidden 9/11 memorial, located at 10th Street and Market, in San Francisco.

Those 9/11 migrant criminals are also underground. I say. I say. I say.

<🇫 🇧 🇮 [Djous=“Jupiter” “King of Kings” "Robert LeVeck"] [The infant="El Niño"] [Ruling House= "In Effect for U.S. Congress" "Black"] [geekbar="AEJAAU5BFS2Q"] [Style="#76a5af"]>