Category: Uncategorized

  • The Legacy of the Soldier 2

     Hello, I am the titular Jupiter. Robert LeVeck Black (not pictured) and within moments of becoming Jupiter, this is before King Kanye and what have you, I encountered an astronauts mother. Jessica Meir. She was lovely. The outrage is that the entire blasted United States Marine Corps. had thrown in resources and hopes that I would spend…

  • I, Jupiter, do hereby proclaim, with all intent to maintain my citizenship, no intent to defect, and without any sort of coup, to all three branches with provisional and/or emergency authority of the same, that every Realm, terrestrial and digital, is now Sovereign United States Ground. Gavin Newsome, or his dog, must be destroyed for…

  • Summer Baloon Sisters

    I, Jupiter, do hereby proclaim, with all intent to maintain my citizenship, no intent to defect, and without any sort of coup, to all three branches with provisional and/or emergency authority of the same, that every Realm, terrestrial and digital, is now Sovereign United States Ground. Gavin Newsome, or his dog, must be destroyed for…

  • Kinect Limbo Playhouse

    Titles are forthcoming, “hoose.” My (emphasis added) savior? Anyone, save myself.”

  • Fancy Yak Island

    AP – San Francisco  The most House of Black, in effect for this United States Congress, the ruling House, was blessed and multiplied. When asked for comment the titular Jupiter simply said “Titles are forthcoming.”

  • The End of Adam

    <a><p>Hello, I am Jupiter. In effect for this congress, Sovereign. I wrote to congress. Of course.  Say “Hello,” to my court. Each one of them a blessed, living menber of the most ancient and noble House of Black. The ruling House.</p>

  • League of War

    Fri Sep 27 2024 Dear Governer Gavin Newsome, Seeing how my daughter, Jenny, is in the clutches of the 9/11 attackers, her life is forfeit. Please proceed with all operations to capture or kill Mayor “London Breed,” of San Francisco, and the ensuing armed conflict in Diablo Valley. If you or the Militia(s) must, you…