Author: Jupiter

  • Heavy Barcode Soldier

    👀 import time   t = time.localtime(time.time()) localtime = time.asctime(t) str = “Current Time:” + time.asctime(t)   print(str) ™ The Man is the flippant way with which their argument “He dies,” is spat back in your face. I know what I am doing, bitch. No canine. <P></a> 

  • No. Way.

    No Mister George. Not ever. Not in any capacity. Placation is not suitible as we must fully isolate the genes of Windsor, Sussex, and Oxford in a true, non-generstive, square. I shall know. I see far. And, without any assistance, I “hear” everything. The former childhood nucleus must go. Academia is of 0 consequence and…

  • Lucky Baseball Blast

    “Endland.” You may have heard yours truly, Robert LeVeck, speak about it. I am also know as Jupiter. Not “King” Jupiter (emphasis added) only Jupiter. If you understand colonazation that you understand that Winchester and Heyboy (the “Duke” boys) are underneath San Francisco forever for a reason. I refer to it as “Endland” because it…

  • The Adventure of the Princess

    Weds-Tay! Two point oh.  We shall see if I can fetch the prime on the bus. Prime (emphasis added) mate.  Yours truly. </a>

  • A Story of the Champion

     🇲 🇾  🇧 🇴 🇸 🇸  🇼 🇦 🇸  🇭 🇺 🇷 🇹 🇱 🇮 🇳 🇬  🇹 🇴 🇼 🇦 🇷 🇩  🇲 🇪  🇴 🇳  🇫 🇱 🇦 🇹  🇲 🇺 🇸 🇨 🇱 🇪 🇸 , 🇭 🇪 🇦 🇩  🇼 🇪 🇦 🇻 🇮 🇳 🇬  🇧 🇦 🇨 🇰  🇦…

  • The Disappearing of the Warrior

     Hello, my fellow Americans. You may have heard of the toppling of the former house. Thanks to this Congress, Cofer, Robert, and Sophia, all realms, terrestrial and digital are now Sovereign United States held ground. The late Charles deceased. William and Harry volunteering to be forever beneath San Francisco, deep underground. The Subterranean Echolocation and…

  • 8JULY2024 "Snake Story"

    <a>”Stand at ease. I’m sure all of you are familiar with the Marine Mammal Program.” Members of -2 nodded and grunted assent. “Well, you ate those animals last night.” “Gross,” said one shipmate. “Cool,” said another. “Now,” said the Admiral pulling a sheet, “Arleigh Burke. “Arleigh Burke is an 18 foot King Cobra Codenamed TYRANT…

  • Samurai Spork Squadron

     <a>Like in Space Balls (1987): “There she goes. Right down the aisle. Past the stairs! And out the door…” Jupiter can be intimidating. By my repelling might. 141ms

  • [archiveorg FamilyJewelsFullDOCUMENTSOFOPERATIONMOCKINGBIRD703_201610 width=560 height=384 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

  • 20 Sep 2024 “Jupiter. Prey”

    🇯 🇺 🇵 🇮 🇹 🇪 🇷 . 🇵 🇷 🇪 🇾 Here, you can see who the belligerents pray to. Purportedly, Beezlebub. And also blessed something before allowing him to use it. Filmed one half (emphasis) of him. Hah-hah! There are no sad endings, if one believes in Allah, Beelzebub.